Extbase Variable Dump
   _request => protectedElastica\Requestprototypeobject (5 items)
      _connection => protectedElastica\Connectionprototypeobject (15 items)
         _params => protectedarray(15 items)
            config => array(2 items)
               url => NULL
               bigintConversion => FALSE
            host => 'localhost' (9 chars)
            port => NULL
            path => NULL
            proxy => NULL
            transport => NULL
            persistent => TRUE
            timeout => NULL
            connections => array(empty)
            roundRobin => FALSE
            retryOnConflict => 0 (integer)
            username => NULL
            password => NULL
            auth_type => NULL
            enabled => TRUE
         _rawParams => protectedarray(empty)
      _params => protectedarray(5 items)
         path => 'profile_intde/_search' (21 chars)
         method => 'POST' (4 chars)
         data => array(4 items)
            from => 12000 (integer)
            size => 1000 (integer)
            query => array(1 item)
               bool => array(1 item)
                  must => array(3 items)
                     0 => array(1 item)max depth
                     1 => array(1 item)max depth
                     2 => array(1 item)max depth
            sort => array(1 item)
               0 => array(2 items)
                  premium => array(1 item)
                     order => 'desc' (4 chars)
                  name.untouched => array(1 item)
                     order => 'asc' (3 chars)
         query => array(empty)
         contentType => 'application/json' (16 chars)
      _rawParams => protectedarray(empty)
   _response => protectedElastica\Responseprototypeobject
      _queryTime => protected0.0046560764312744 (double)
      _responseString => protected'' (0 chars)
      _transferInfo => protectedarray(38 items)
         url => 'http://localhost:9200/profile_intde/_search' (43 chars)
         content_type => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' (31 chars)
         http_code => 400 (integer)
         header_size => 472 (integer)
         request_size => 407 (integer)
         filetime => -1 (integer)
         ssl_verify_result => 0 (integer)
         redirect_count => 0 (integer)
         total_time => 0.004601 (double)
         namelookup_time => 2.2E-5 (double)
         connect_time => 9.8E-5 (double)
         pretransfer_time => 0.000125 (double)
         size_upload => 237 (double)
         size_download => 402 (double)
         speed_download => 87372 (double)
         speed_upload => 51510 (double)
         download_content_length => 402 (double)
         upload_content_length => 237 (double)
         starttransfer_time => 0.004562 (double)
         redirect_time => 0 (double)
         redirect_url => '' (0 chars)
         primary_ip => '' (9 chars)
         certinfo => array(empty)
         primary_port => 9200 (integer)
         local_ip => '' (9 chars)
         local_port => 53238 (integer)
         http_version => 2 (integer)
         protocol => 1 (integer)
         ssl_verifyresult => 0 (integer)
         scheme => 'HTTP' (4 chars)
         appconnect_time_us => 0 (integer)
         connect_time_us => 98 (integer)
         namelookup_time_us => 22 (integer)
         pretransfer_time_us => 125 (integer)
         redirect_time_us => 0 (integer)
         starttransfer_time_us => 4562 (integer)
         total_time_us => 4601 (integer)
         effective_method => 'POST' (4 chars)
      _response => protectedarray(2 items)
         error => array(7 items)
            root_cause => array(1 item)
               0 => array(2 items)
                  type => 'illegal_argument_exception' (26 chars)
                  reason => 'Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [1000
                     0] but was [13000]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request l
                     arge data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_wind
                     ow] index level setting.
' (252 chars)
type => 'search_phase_execution_exception' (32 chars) reason => 'all shards failed' (17 chars) phase => 'query' (5 chars) grouped => TRUE failed_shards => array(1 item) 0 => array(4 items) shard => 0 (integer) index => 'profile_intde_0' (15 chars) node => 'ZMcxfEkwRcOtPJ7Rbyi9ow' (22 chars) reason => array(2 items) type => 'illegal_argument_exception' (26 chars) reason => 'Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [1000
                        0] but was [13000]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request l
                        arge data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_wind
                        ow] index level setting.
' (252 chars)
caused_by => array(3 items) type => 'illegal_argument_exception' (26 chars) reason => 'Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [1000
                  0] but was [13000]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request l
                  arge data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_wind
                  ow] index level setting.
' (252 chars) caused_by => array(2 items) type => 'illegal_argument_exception' (26 chars) reason => 'Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [1000
                     0] but was [13000]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request l
                     arge data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_wind
                     ow] index level setting.
' (252 chars)
status => 400 (integer)
_status => protected400 (integer) _jsonBigintConversion => protectedFALSE
message => protected'Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [1000
      0] but was [13000]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request l
      arge data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_wind
      ow] index level setting. [reason: all shards failed]
' (280 chars) code => protected0 (integer) file => protected'/var/www/extensions/bweb_fe/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Transport/Http.php' (73 chars) line => protected178 (integer)
Extbase Variable Dump
array(1 item)
   bool => array(1 item)
      must => array(3 items)
         0 => array(1 item)
            terms => array(1 item)
               bereich => array(1 item)
                  0 => 'sch' (3 chars)
         1 => array(1 item)
            terms => array(1 item)
               isAnbieter => array(1 item)
                  0 => TRUE
         2 => array(1 item)
            terms => array(1 item)
               schlagworte.untouched => array(1 item)
                  0 => 'Gymnasium' (9 chars)
Internat Gymnasium
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Internat Gymnasium

Oops, an error occurred! Code: 202405030932594b1a95f8